Membership Benefits
If you are presently a farmer or can imagine farming in your future, then it’s worth joining NL Young Farmers. There is strength in numbers. Joining NL Young Farmers will connect you with a wide variety of services, resources, training, and networking opportunities.
NL Young Farmers offers:
Ongoing access to free or discounted workshops and training, conferences, networking sessions, and mentoring programs.
We connect young farmers from all over the province with each other, with more established producers and other industry stakeholders.
You can gain personal brand and business awareness through NL Young Farmers’ social media accounts and in other ways, such as articles in publications like the NLFA's AgriView magazine and NL Young Farmers' upcoming newsletter.
We can direct you to the appropriate people who can help you with business planning, marketing, accessing grants, loans, land, and more.
And membership is FREE!